Journal Articles
- 2019, O Akbilgic, RL Davis, The Promise of Machine Learning: When will it be delivered?, Journal of Cardiac Failure,, (PMID:30978508).
- 2019, O Akbilgic, R Homayouni, K Heindrich, MR Langham, RL Davis, Unstructured text improves prediction of death after surgery in children. Informatics: Special Issue on Data-Driven Health Informatics, 6(1): 4.
- 2019, R Kamaleswaran, O Akbilgic, M Hallman, A West, RL Davis, S Shah, Artificial Intelligence Towards an Intelligent Clinical Support, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Volume 20 (4), p 399, doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000001874.
- 2019, A Gaipov, MZ Molnar, PK Potukuchi, K Sumida, RB Canada, O Akbilgic, K Kabulbayev, K Kalantar-Zadeh, CP Kovesdy, Pre-Dialysis Coronary Revascularization and post-Dialysis Mortality. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Volume 157, Issue 3, March 2019, Pages 976-983.e7 DOI:
- 2019, G Gyamlani, P Potukuchi, F Thomas, O Akbilgic, M Soohoo, E Streja, A Naseer, K Sumida, MZ Molnar, K Kalantar-Zadeh, CP Kovesdy, Vancomycin-Associated Acute Kidney Injury in Large Veteran Population, American Journal of Nephrology, 49 (2), 133-142.
- 2019, J Sutton, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, R Kamaleswaran, PhysOnline: An Open Source Machine Learning Pipeline for Real-Time Analysis of Streaming Physiological Waveform. IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics 23 (1), 59-65.
- 2019, O Akbilgic, Y Obi, P Potukuchi, I Karabayir, N Nguyen, M Soohoo, E Streja, MZ Molnar, C Rhee, K Kalantar-Zadeh, CP Kovesdy, Identification of patients at high risk of death within one year of initiation of dialysis using machine learning, Kidney International Reports (In Review)
- 2019, I Karabayir, O Akbilgic, N Tas, A novel learning algorithm to optimize deep neural networks: Evolved Gradient Direction Optimizer (EVGO), IEEE Transactions in Neural Networks and Learning Systems (In Review)
- 2019, T Rawal, O Ali, SH Liu, SV Pingali, O Akbilgic, H O’Neil, L Tetards, S Santra, L Petridis, Interaction of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle with Water, ACS Applied Nano Materials (In Review).
- 2018, O Akbilgic, MR Langham, RL Davis, Race, Preoperative Risk Factors, and Death After Surgery. Pediatrics 2018 Feb;141(2). pii: e20172221. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-2221
- 2018, O Akbilgic, MR Langham, AI Walter, TL Jones, EY Huang, RL Davis, A novel risk classification system for 30-day mortality in children undergoing surgery. PLoS One, 13 (1), e0191176
- 2018, R Kamaleswaran, O Akbilgic, MA Hallman, RL Davis, SH Shah, Applying Artificial Intelligence to Identify Physiomarkers Predicting Severe Sepsis in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, PMID: 30052552, DOI: 10.1097/PCC.000000000001666.
- 2018, E Shin, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, A Shaban-Nejad, Sociomarkers vs Biomarkers: Predictive Modeling in Identifying Pediatric Asthma Patients at Risk of Hospital Revisiting. Nature Digital Medicine, (2018) 1:50 ; doi:10.1038/s41746-018-0056-y
- 2018, R Kamaleswaran, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, A robust deep convolutional neural network for the classification of abnormal cardiac rhythm using varying length single lead electrocardiogram. Physiologic Measurement, 39 (3), 035006.
- 2018, A Gaipov, MZ Molnar, PK Potukuchi, K Sumida, Z Szabo, O Akbilgic, E Streja, Cm Rhee, S Koshy, RB Canada, K Kalantar-Zadeh, CP Kovesdy, Acute Kidney Injury Following Coronary Revascularization in Patients with Advanced CKD, Nephrology Dialysis Transplant, gfy178,
- 2018, R Mahajan, R Kamaleswaran, O Akbilgic, Differences and Overlaps of CNN vs Manually Extracted ECG Features: A Case Study on Arrhythmia Detection, METHODS of Information in Medicine (In Review)
- 2017, O Akbilgic, J.A. Howe, Symbolic Pattern Recognition for Sequential Data. Sequential Analysis, 36 (4), 528-540
- 2017, R Mahajan, T Viangteeravat, O Akbilgic, Improved detection of congestive heart failure via probabilistic symbolic pattern recognition and heart rate variability metrics. IEEE International Journal of Medical Informatics, 108, 55-63, 2017
- 2017, E Cubi, O Akbilgic, J Bergerson, An assessment framework to quantify the interaction between the built environment and the electricity grid. Applied Energy, 206, 22-31
- 2016, O Akbilgic, A.J. Howe, R.L. Davis, Categorizing Atrial Fibrillation via Symbolic Pattern Recognition. Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics, 4 (8)
- 2016, M.R. Asoglu, T. Achjian, O Akbilgic, M.A Borahay, G. Kilic, The impact of a simulation training lab on outcomes of hysterectomy. Journal of Turkish-German Gynecological Association (17), 60-64, 2016
- 2015, P. Humez; B. Mayer; Jenifer Ing; M. Nightingale, V. Becker, A. Kingston, O Akbilgic, S. Taylor, Occurrence and origin of methane in groundwater in Alberta (Canada): gas geochemical and isotopic approaches. Science of the Total Environment, 541, 1253–1268, 2015.
- 2015, O. Akbilgic, D. Zhu, I.D. Gates, J.A. Bergerson, Prediction of steam-assisted gravity drainage steam to oil ratio from reservoir characteristics. Energy, 93 (2), 1663–1670
- 2015, O Akbilgic, M. Mahmoudkhan, G. Doluweera, J.A. Bergerson, A meta-analysis and pre- dictive analysis of CO2 avoided costs for Carbon Capture investment decisions in power plants. Applied Energy, 159, 11-18
- 2015, O Akbilgic, Classification Trees Aided Mixed Regression Model, Journal of Applied Statistics, 42 (8), 1773-1781, 2015
- 2014, O Akbilgic, H. Bozdogan, M.E. Balaban, A novel Hybrid RBF Neural Networks model as a forecaster. Statistics & Computing, 24 (3), 365-375
- 2013, O Akbilgic, Binary Classification for Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in Oil & GasWells via Tree Based Logistic RBF Networks. European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 6 (4), 377-386
- 2013, H. Bozdogan, O Akbilgic, Social network analysis of scientific collaborations across different subject fields. Information Services and Use, 33 (3-4), 219-233
- 2011, O Akbilgic, H. Bozdogan, Predictive Subset Selection using Regression Trees and RBF Neural Networks Hybridized with the Genetic Algorithm. European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 4 (4), 467-485
- 2011, E. Deniz, O Akbilgic, J.A. Howe, Model selection using information criteria under a new estimation method: least squares ratio. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38 (9), 2043-2050
- 2011, O Akbilgic, J.A. Howe, A Novel Normality Test Using an Identity Transformation of the Gaussian Function. European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 4 (4), 448-454
- 2009, Akinci, OF, Kurt, M, Terzi, A, Atak, I, Subasi, IE, O Akbilgic, Natal cleft deeper in patients with pilonidal sinus: implications for choice of surgical procedure. Disease of Colon&Rectum, 52 (5), 1000-2
- 2009, O Akbilgic, E. Deniz Akinci, A Novel Regression Approach: Least Squares Ratio. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 38 (9), 1539-1545
- 2008, O Akbilgic, T. Keskinturk, The Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Regression Analysis. Yonetim, 60 (19), 74-83
- 2006, SS Demirkok, M Basaranoglu, O Akbilgic, Seasonal variation of the onset of presentations in stage 1 sarcoidosis. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 60 (11), 1443-50
Conference Full Paper/Abstracts Published in Journals
- 2019, S Giri, JL Jefferies, F Thomas, RL Davis, O Akbilgic, Abnormalities in Normal Sinus Rhythm, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcome, 12:A25,
- 2019, R Kamaleswaran, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, N Shafi, RL Davis, Machine Learning Applied To Continuous Physiologic Data Predicts Fever In Critically Ill Children, Critical Care Medicine, Vol: 47 (1), pp. 23.
- 2018, R Mahajan, EK Shin, A Shaban-Nejad, MR Langham, M Martin, RL Davis, O Akbilgic, Disparities in Population-Level Socio-Economic Factors are Associated with Disparities in Preoperative Clinical Risk factors in Children, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;255:80-84, PMID: 30306911.
- 2018, R Mahajan, R Kamaleswaran and O Akbilgic, A hybrid feature extraction method to detect Atrial Fibrillation from single lead ECG recording, 2018 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), Las Vegas, NV, 2018, pp. 116-119. doi: 10.1109/BHI.2018.8333383
- 2018, EK Shin, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, A Shaban-Nejad, Identifying Sociomarkers of Pediatric Asthma Patients at Risk of Hospital Revisiting. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, Vol 10 (1): e135, 2018.
- 2018, R Kamaleswaran, O Akbilgic, M Hallman, A West, RL Davis, S Shah, Physiomarker Variability for Early Prediction of Severe Sepsis in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Critical care Medicine, January 2018, 46 (1), p 745, doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000529525.72822.2e.
- 2017, A Chan, D McKean, O Akbilgic, W Smith, Investigating The Impact of Demographic Features on Body Size Discrimination. Journal of Vision, 17 (10), 517.
- 2017, R Mahajan, R Kamaleswaran, JA Howe, O Akbilgic, Cardiac Rhythm Classification from a Short Single Lead ECG Recording via Random Forests. Computing in Cardiology, 44, 1-4, 2017
- 2017, GG Gyamlani,PK Potukuchi, O Akbilgic, M Soohoo, E Streja, K Sumida, K Kalantar-Zadeh, MZ Molnar, CP Kovesdy,Vancomycin-Associated AKI. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2017 (28), 420, 2017.
- 2017, R. Mahajan, R. Kamaleswaran, O. Akbilgic, Effects of varying sampling frequency on the analysis of continuous ECG data streams. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Springer, 10494, 2017.
- 2017, A Gaipov, MZ Molnar, PK Potukuchi, K Sumida, RB Canada, O Akbilgic, K Kabulbayev, K Kalantar-Zadeh, CP Kovesdy, Pre ESRD Coronary Artery Revascularization and Post ESRD Mortality. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2017 (28), 2, 2017
- 2017, T Viangteeravat, O Akbilgic, RL Davis, Analyzing Electronic Medical Records to Predict Risk of DIT (Death, Intubation, or Transfer to ICU) in Pediatric Respiratory Failure or Related Conditions. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc, 2017, 287-294, 2017.
- 2017, A Gaipov, MZ Molnar, PK Potukuchi, K Sumida, O Akbilgic, E Streja, C Rhee, RB Canada, K Kalantar-Zadeh, CP Kovesdy, AKI Following CABG versus PCI in Advanced CKD Patients. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2017 (28), 417, 2017
- 2013, O Akbilgic, H Bozdogan, A New Supervised Classification of Credit Approval Data via The Hybrid RBF-NN Model Using The Genetic Algorithm with Information Complexity. Data Science, Learning by Latent Structures, and Knowledge Discovery
Conference Abstract/Posters
- 2018, R Mahajan, E Shin, A Shaban-Nejad, RL Davis, O Akbilgic, Analyzing Correlations between population-level socioeconomic markers and patient-level clinical risk factors for adverse pediatric surgery outcome. Southeastern Pediatric Research Conference: Precision Medicine, Atlanta, GA, June 8, 2018.
- 2018, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, N Shafi, RL Davis, R Kamaleswaran, Heart Rate Features Can Predict Fever Onset in Critically Ill Children. Le Bonheur Children”s Hospital Research Conference, March 28, 2018, 54, 2018
- 2018, EK Shin, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, A Shaban-Nejad, 2018. Identifying Sociomarkers of Pediatric Asthma Patients at Risk of Hospital Revisiting. Le Bonheur Children”s Hospital Research Conference, March 28, 2018, 53, 2018.
- 2018, O Akbilgic, R Homayouni, K Heindrich, MR Langham, RL Davis, 2018. Text data in EMRs has a lotto say about surgery outcome. Le Bonheur Children”s Hospital Research Conference, March 28, 2018, 9, 25, 2018
- 2018, EK Shin, R Mahajan, O Akbilgic, A Shaban-Nejad, 2018. Bringing the Socio-markers into Health Surveillance: A Predictive Model for Pediatric Asthma Patients at Risk of Hospital Revisiting. Medical Informatics Europe 2018, 2018
- 2017, O Akbilgic, MR Langham Jr, RL Davis, Visualization of Racial Disparities in Surgical Outcomes among Children via Network Analysis of Pre-Operative Risk Factors. Southern Pediatric Research Conference: Big Data for Better Care, June 9, 2017
- 2017, E Cubi, J Bergerson, O Akbilgic, Grid Compensation Scores. Assessing the impact of buildings on the electricity grid. ISIE-ISSST 2017: Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities, 2017
- 2017, R. Mahajan, T. Viangteeravat, O Akbilgic, Detection of Congestive Heart Failure Using R-R Interval Via Probabilistic Symbolic Pattern Recognition. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics Feb. 16-19, 2017, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- 2017, R. Mahajan, R. Kamaleswaran, O Akbilgic, Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Screening at Different ECG Sampling Frequencies Using Probabilistic Symbolic Pattern Recognition. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Feb. 16-19, 2017, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- 2016, M.R. Langham Jr, O. Akbilgic, E. Huang, T. Jones, A. Walter, R.L. Davis, A Simple Decision Support Tool for Surgery in Children Utilizing NSQIP-Pediatric Data. Presented at ACS NSQIP 2016 Conference, July 16-17, 2016, San Diego, CA.
- 2016, R Mahajan, T Viangteeravat, O Akbilgic, Boosting the performance of symbolic pattern recognition by feature selection: A case study on detecting cardiac abnormalities. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Conference, December 12-15, 2016, Dana point, CA.
- 2016, O. Akbilgic, R.L. Davis, Searching for Fingerprints of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrialtion: A Symbolic Pattern Recognition Approach. Southern Regional Council On Statistics Summer Research Conference, 2016
- 2016, T. Viangteeravat, V.R. Nagisetty, O. Akbilgic, F. Sen, R. Mudunuri, O. Ajayi, R.L. Davis, Predicting risk of respiratory decompensation or death for hospitalized children with asthma or related conditions using machine learning techniques. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, April 30-May 3, 2016
- 2014, O. Akbilgic, D. Zhu, I.D. Gates, J.A. Bergerson, Prediction of Canadaâs oil sands GHG emissions: statistical model selection & evaluation. International Conference on Environmental Scinece & Technologies, 232-234, 2014
- 2013, O. Akbilgic, Tree Based Logistic RBF Neural Networks Aided Logistic regression for Binary Classification: A Case Study on Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil & Gas Well. Presented at the yBIS 2013: Joint Meeting of Young Business and Industrial Statisticians, 2013
- 2012, O. Akbilgic, H. Bozdogan, Hybrid RBF Neural Network Models for Supervised Classification of Medical Data With Information Complexity And The Genetic Algorithm. National Biostatistics Conference, 2012
- 2011, J.A. Howe, O. Akbilgic, E. Deniz Howe, Identifying the Presence of Outliers in Regression Using LSR. 7th International Statistics Congress, 178-179, 2011
- 2008, F. Lorcu, O. Akbilgic, Canonical Correlation Analysis of Economical Indicators of OECD Countries. 2008 meeting of the International Conference on Business Management and Economics, 2008.
- 2005, SS Demirkok, M Basaranoglu, M Bilir, O Akbilgic, T Karayel, Seasonal variation of the onset of presentations in patients with sarcoidosis presented with BHL alone. ERS 2005 September 17; Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005.